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If you or someone you know is in crisis, call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.

Use the tabs to the left to navigate between topics. We have resources for a variety of needs that BYU faculty, staff, and students may experience.

Mental Health Emergencies
Worried About A Student or Colleague?
Mental Health
Academic Challenges
Forms of Abuse
Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health Emergencies

  1. Call 988 to contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
  2. During Daytime Hours: Walk-ins welcome at CAPS 8 am to 4 pm, 1500 WSC, BYU
    1. If you are on campus and in crisis, call the BYU Police at (801) 422-0911.
    2. If you are not on campus and have a crisis, call 911.
  3. After-Hours: Call: (801) 422-3035 to access a crisis counselor
    1. Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 to access free crisis support
    2. If you are on campus and in a crisis emergency after hours, call the BYU Police at (801) 422-2222.
    3. If you are not on campus and have a crisis, call 911.

988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States - Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Worried about a student or colleague?

Faculty and staff: consider attending a QPR training session through BYU Counseling and Psychological Services. It only takes one one-hour training to become certified.

Attending a training can help you know how to have conversations about suicide with students or colleagues and how to refer them to the proper resources. It is always a good idea to prepare for these sensitive situations before they happen.

A common myth about suicide is that talking about suicide makes people more likely to follow through with suicidal thoughts. However, this is untrue. Having these difficult conversations is vital to helping those who are in distress.

What is a crisis, and when should I ask for help?

A situation is urgent when:

  • There are written or verbal statements that mention despair, suicide, or death
  • Severe hopelessness, depression, isolation and withdrawal
  • Statements that suggest the person is “going away for a long time” 

If someone is exhibiting any of these signs, they may pose an immediate danger to themself. In this case, you should stay with the person and ask if they will walk with you to the CAPS Center located at 1500 Wilkinson Student Center.

After hours you can access a crisis counselor at (801) 422-3035.

A situation is an emergency when:

  • Physical or verbal aggression is directed at self, others, or property
  • The person is unresponsive to the external environment; incoherent or passed out, disconnected from reality/exhibiting psychosis, displaying outright disruptive behavior
  • The situation feels threatening or dangerous to you or others

If you are concerned about immediate threats to safety, call the BYU Police: (801) 422-2222 or 911

When responding to someone in crisis, remember that you are not a counselor. Your only role is to make sure the person gets to someone who can help. Further, there are no wrong resources to reach out to for help—there are always multiple right ways to reach out to someone and multiple resources to give them. The most important thing is to respond with love and compassion. The greatest risk is doing nothing at all.

Reaching out to people in crisis

  1. Speak to them directly
  2. Refer to a resource
  3. Unsure of what to do? Consult.
  4. When you consult, do so with one or more of these resources:
    • Dean's office
    • BYU Police

Other tips:

  • Meet individually and in a quiet place
  • Set a hopeful tone
  • Express your concern and caring
  • Point out specific behaviors you’ve observed
  • Listen attentively to the person’s response and encourage them to talk
  • Suggest resources and referrals
  • Avoid making promises of confidentiality
  • Plan for follow-up

Please note: Unless the person is suicidal or a danger to others, the ultimate decision to access resources belongs with them.

When you refer them directly:

Explain the limitations of your knowledge and experience. The referral resource has the resources to assist the person in a more appropriate manner.

  • Provide name, phone number and office location of the referral resource or walk the person to the referral resource
  • If you walk someone to a referral resource, inform the resource of your concerns. If they are sent over without you, notify the resource of your concerns by phone prior to their arrival.
  • Realize that your offer of help may be rejected
  • Keep the lines of communication open and follow up with them

Students in distress often show different signs

Academic Indicators

  • Repeated absences 
  • Missed assignments, exams, or appointments
  • Deterioration in quality or quantity of work
  • Extreme disorganization or erratic performance 
  • Written or artistic expression of unusual violence, social isolation, despair or confusion, preoccupation with suicide or death
  • Continual seeking of special provisions (e.g., extensions on papers, make-up exams)
  • Patterns of perfectionism: (e.g. inability to accept any grade but an A)
  • Overblown or disproportionate response to grades or other evaluations
  • BYU has an Early Alert system that uses an algorithm to detect students who are at risk of receiving less than a 2.0 GPA. It sends messages to students and their academic advisors.

Behavioral and Emotional Indicators

  • Direct or indirect statements indicating distress, family problems, or loss 
  • Angry or hostile outbursts, yelling or aggressive comments
  • Withdrawn from others, low motivation
  • Expressions of hopelessness or worthlessness; crying or tearfulness
  • Expressions of severe anxiety or irritability
  • Excessively demanding or dependent behavior
  • Failure to respond to outreach by professors or staff 
  • Shakiness, tremors, fidgeting or pacing
  • More animated than usual, euphoria, overly enthusiastic

Physical Indicators

  • Deterioration in physical appearance or personal hygiene
  • Excessive fatigue, exhaustion, falling asleep in class repeatedly
  • Visible changes in weight, statements about change in appetite or sleep
  • Noticeable cuts, bruises or burns
  • Frequent or chronic illness
  • Disorganized speech, rapid or slurred speech, confusion 
  • Unusual inability to make eye contact 
  • Coming to class bleary-eyed or smelling of alcohol or marijuana


Mental Health

  • Challenges with anxiety are very common for college students. If your worries feel overwhelming or are causing you to avoid school, work responsibilities, or social activities, there are ways to get help. See the following resources for help with anxiety challenges.


    • Free therapy and other mental health resources through BYU:

    • Biofeedback treatment for anxiety, free through BYU
    • Helpful apps to learn ways to cope with anxiety symptoms: 
      • SilverCloud (free when using BYU email)
      • WellTrack (free when using BYU email)
      • Breathe2Relax App - Diaphragmatic breathing, simple, easy to use, for anxiety/panic management. A few other features as well. - Price: Free/Purchase
      • What’s Up? Mental Health App - CBT, ACT stuff for Depression, anxiety, etc.

        • Includes tracking, a grounding game, negative thinking patterns, diary - Price: Free/Purchase 
        • Apple
        • Android
  • Challenges with depression are very common for college students. If you feel persistent sadness or hopelessness, or have lost interest in previously enjoyable activities, there are ways to get help. See the following resources for help with depression related challenges. If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please call 911 or this free crisis lifeline for help: 988.


  • It would be hard to find a university student who has not struggled to pay attention during lectures or studying at some point in their college career. However, if you feel that your inability to focus is making it abnormally difficult to perform academically, there are resources that can help you.


  • Moving away from family and friends can be challenging. If you are feeling alone, here are resources to help. While it might take some effort, it is possible to find your people at BYU.


  • Perfectionism and “all or nothing” thought processes tend to be romanticized in our society. However, it is exhausting to try to be better than your best at all times. Learn more about perfectionism and overcoming this way of thinking here:


  • While some level of obsessions and compulsions are common, if you find that your quality of life is significantly affected by worrisome thoughts or compulsions toward certain behaviors, this may be a sign for concern. You are not alone, and there are treatments available that can help you with these concerns. Seek help and counsel from the BYU Counseling and Psychological Services and support organizations listed here.


  • Some people turn to self-harm in times of high anxiety, stress, or depression. You are not alone and there are resources to help you. Seek counsel from a trusted friend and reach out to a professional counselor or support group if this is something you struggle with. Keeping these behaviors secret only perpetuates them.


  • When people struggle with their mental health and relationships, especially over a long period of time, they may have persistent thoughts of death or suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, there are resources to help. Please seek help from a close friend, a religious leader, or a family member you can trust. You are not alone in your struggles and there are resources below to help.



  • Being a single parent can be incredibly difficult! Just because parenthood is a beautiful thing does not mean it can’t also be extremely time-consuming and exhausting. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the resources below or to friends and family for help! This is not a burden you should have to bear alone.


  • Divorce is often a very painful, life-altering experience that can have far-reaching effects on mental and physical health and well-being—whether the divorce is your own or that of a family member. It is important to be patient with yourself as you deal with these effects and to seek help when you need it.


  • Getting married is a huge adjustment! It is normal for it to be hard at times. It is important to know that you are not alone. However, if you are experiencing any kind of domestic abuse, that is absolutely not okay and you should reach out for help. There are so many people that can and want to help you. The BYU Center for Counseling and Psychological Services has social workers that can help you find a therapist in the community as well.


  • It is not unusual for students to graduate from university without having a clear idea about what they want to do next. Luckily, BYU has your back! They offer tons of resources to help you find a career path and a good job. Seek mentoring from a professor you trust and talk to an advisor in your college. General career help and planning is also available at the BYU Career Services.


  • The end of any relationship is difficult. It is important to recognize that it is okay to feel sad and it does take time to heal. Reach out to family and friends that you can confide in during this difficult time. You are not alone in your struggles and confiding in a close friend or family member can make a big difference.


  • If you are struggling with your role as a parent, know that you are not alone. Adjusting to new parenthood duties (whatever the ages of your children) can be a real challenge, and the social, familial, and physical changes in your life can be a very difficult adjustment to make. There are resources to help and you don’t need to go through this alone.


    • Welcome Baby of Utah County is a local resource for parents
    • Care.com offers weekly updates with new childcare services, cleaning services and/or more options for flexibility (like babysitting and nannies)
    • List of resources for Utah parents
    • Parent Tips from BYU Child & Family Studies Laboratory
  • Coming back to school after a mission is difficult, regardless of the circumstances. While it is normal to have a difficult time with big life changes, be mindful that there are resources to help with this particular adjustment. However, if you feel that you are having an especially difficult time, please consider reaching out to a mental health professional. BYU Counseling and Psychological Services is a great place to start.



  • College can be a nerve-racking experience for anyone. Being a first generation college student means that this experience is a first for you and your entire family. It may be harder to know what to expect or who to turn to when things are difficult. Seek out mentoring opportunities with a trusted professor and fellow student.


  • Living in a country outside your own can be difficult. Having to learn a new culture, geography, and maybe even a new language can be very overwhelming. However, it is important to remember that you have a lot to bring to the richness of this campus, country, and world. Seek help from the many offices on campus who are here to help you feel included and find a place you belong. The International Student Office is a great place to go for help.


  • It can be difficult to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community while attending BYU. Please know that BYU is better with you here and that there is a place for you. We need you. Here are some resources to help you.


  • Being told that you are not “from here” when this country may be all you know can be very difficult. The insecurity of the future can be frightening, and although having DACA status is a huge blessing, it can often be a struggle to have a sense of belonging, including here at BYU. There are resources listed below to help support you while you are here at BYU.


  • Being a minority of any kind can be difficult. A large part of BYU revolves around church and religious identity. If you come from a different background it may feel like you’re alone and don’t fit in. BYU wants you to find a place of belonging and has resources to help you connect with other students through an interfaith club and other campus offices.


  • College is already difficult and can be made even more so by disabilities. Thankfully, there are resources to help!


  • “Racism—whether implicit or overt, whether individual or institutional—is a highly destructive and complex feature of our society. Indeed, it is a sin, with consequences that detrimentally impact the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of BYU students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Rooting out racism, healing its wounds, and building bridges of understanding is the responsibility of every member of the BYU community.” - BYU Committee on Race, Equity, and Belonging.

    It can be extremely difficult to be part of a minority on campus. Your perspective and experiences are so valuable to the campus community. We need you and we want to hear from you. If you have thoughts you are willing to share about race, equity, and belonging at BYU, visit the first link on the list below. If you are facing racial discrimination, that is not acceptable and not condoned at BYU. Reach out for help if you are facing discrimination in the classroom or an on-campus job. Check out the other resources to help you find a community here at BYU.


  • Sexism is real and prevalent in our culture today. Although it is sometimes covert, this does not mean that it is not painful. If you or other women at BYU are struggling, there are several ways to find support and get involved. If you are facing harassment or mistreatment because of your gender, seek counsel from the Title IX office.


Academic Challenges

  • If you are struggling with your courses, there are resources to help. The first step is to reach out to your professors and teaching assistants. They can be an invaluable resource for you, but they can only help if they know that you are struggling. It can be hard to speak up, but this is the only way for your professors to know how they can best support you. There are many other campus resources to help you as you navigate challenges in your academic work.


  • Having the courage to ask for help should be celebrated and is not something to be ashamed of. Accommodations are available to help students have equal opportunities in the classroom. Contact the University Accessibility Center for help in getting access to help and resources that are available for you.


  • College can be a challenging time for managing finances. Between tuition, rent, groceries, and other bills, it can be difficult to be financially stable. Here are a few resources to help:


  • Finding adequate housing in Utah County as a college student can be difficult. There are several resources that can help.


  • Technology is a vital part of education in this day and age. If you are struggling to have access to reliable technology, these resources are for you:


  • "Brigham Young University takes seriously any complaints involving its academic, research, athletic, and other programs and activities. When a complaint is made to the relevant institutional authorities, BYU will use reasonable efforts to seek prompt and fair resolution of that complaint." - BYU Integrity and Compliance


Forms of Abuse

  • Domestic violence is unfortunately common and never acceptable. It is important to understand the signs of domestic violence. If you or someone you know is being abused by someone in their family or home, there are resources to help. Speaking up and reporting abuse can help end the abuse. There are many places you can reach out to for help–you do not need to suffer alone.


  • Abuse can take many forms and does not always involve violence. Further, anyone can be a victim of abuse. Please know that you can ask for help if you or someone you know is being mistreated. If you are unsure if you are experiencing emotional abuse, consult the resources below.


  • "If you are a victim of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking—whether the offense occurred on or off campus—there are multiple resources available to you. . .

    REMEMBER, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking are criminal acts and you are NOT responsible for another’s act that violates your freedom. Being a victim of Sexual Misconduct is NEVER a violation of the Honor Code. Dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking are violations of the law and BYU’s Sexual Harassment Policy.

    If you are the victim of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, know that BYU is here to help and is able to take certain protective measures to ensure your safety on campus during and after a university investigation." - BYU Title IX Office


    • BYU Title IX's list of resources for reporting abuse
    • The Refuge is a local organization in Provo that provides support to those who have been sexually assaulted. This ranges from sending victim’s advocates to the ER with you, a crisis hotline, and counseling
    • Mental Health is Health abuse resources
    • You Are a Survivor App - For Utah, by UCASA (Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault), designed to help sexual assault survivors. Includes ways to find help, as well as thorough helpful information - Price: Free
  • You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Speak up and ask for help if you are struggling in your relationships or how you’re being treated.


Health and Wellbeing

  • It can be difficult to find medical providers after recently starting college or moving to a new area. The BYU Health Center can be a place to start.


    • BYU Health Center
    • BYU Medical Resources
    • Intermountain Healthcare is in Provo and has a variety of specialists. It is also a good place to go if you need urgent care, an emergency room, or a blood test.
    • Cougar Dental is right next to campus and has 4.7 stars on Google
    • Many insurance companies have in-network providers. If you have medical insurance, search the insurance company’s name and ‘Find a provider’. Many websites will have a feature where you can search for the type of provider you are looking for. 
      • If you are in need of glasses or an eye exam, many grocery stores have in-store optometrists that can be a great resource. 
      • If you do not have health insurance, call the provider’s office to discuss self-pay options.
  • “Exercise induces good blood flow to deliver all the nutrients required to carry out the brain’s job, while it also increases production of molecules important to brain function, including memory.” - read more of this research from BYU here. The BYU Wellness Center is here to help you as you seek ways to become more healthy and physically active.


    • BYU Student Wellness
    • Free Online Workouts through the New York Times
    • The 9-minute strength workout, also from the New York Times. This workout is designed by experts and a great place to start
    • There are tons of workout and running apps on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. For example, yoga apps, apps that help you do a good ab workout, or apps that help you start from nothing to running a 5K.
  • “Some learners must choose between paying for tuition or food. According to a study by Temple University's Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice, 45% of college students surveyed deal with food insecurity.” Luckily, BYU has a great list of resources to help with food insecurity in the first link below.


  • College can be a challenging time regarding finances. Between tuition, rent, groceries, and other bills, it can be difficult to feel financially stable. Here are a few resources to help:


  • We all go through cycles in our faith. There are times when it is easier to feel connected to God than others. If you feel like you are in a rut with your spirituality, know you are not alone! While some patience may be required, there are also resources to help:


    • BYU Enrollment Services: Student Success Spirituality resources
    • The University of Minnesota has developed a list of ways to find your own spiritual resources
    • BYU Student Wellness Center’s page focused on spirituality
    • Relationship between stress and spirituality from BYU Counseling and Psychological Services
  • You are not alone in your feelings of doubt. It is normal to go through periods of doubt in your journey of faith. Feeling doubts about your religious faith while at a religious university can feel especially complicated. You are not alone in your struggles. Seek counsel from close friends and family as you navigate these difficult paths. There are resources and thoughtful talks about dealing with doubts listed below.


  • Sleep is vital to health and doing well in school. However, many college students struggle to get adequate sleep. Consult the resources below to learn more and find strategies to improve your length and quality of sleep.


  • Many college and life experiences center around important relationships, including friendships, romantic relationships, family relationships, and professional or mentor relationships. These relationships can be very rewarding, but can also be challenging or stressful for many people. See the following resources on how to improve your relationships with others. If you are experiencing abuse of any kind, seek help. It is not your responsibility to “fix” a relationship if you are being abused.


  • Due to unrealistic societal expectations of body shape and size promoted by the media, many people feel dissatisfied with or ashamed of their bodies. Others struggle with more extreme disordered eating. If this is the case, seek professional help. There are effective treatments available to help you in your struggles.

    It is possible to be physically and mentally healthy with any body size or shape. See the following resources for how you can have a healthier relationship with your body.


    • BYU Counseling and Psychological Services
    • Options for licensed therapists, dietitians or other professionals to help guide you through body image concerns and build up your body image resilience
    • Joyful Eating”, a free, online, self-guided course to improve body image
    • A podcast about intuitive eating
    • Learn more about and receive help with body positivity and eating disorders:
    • Women’s Services and Resources for information about the New C.H.A.P.T.E.R. (Change, Hope, and Peace Through Eating Recovery) Support Group in Utah